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The last time we met, your head seemed ready to explode. Joshua Graham, the Mormon interpreter, stayed with me and served as my first {leh-GAH-tus}Legatus. Under normal circumstances, the reason it wouldn't happen again is that you'd be crucified - or worse. Mission accomplished, asshole. VDialogueCaesarFortCaesarTopic024DUPLICATE000. They'd better be good fighters. {business concluded}Now get to it. Someone there? So I made him a {froo-men-TAR-eye}Frumentari. Why did the Legion lose the first battle? Because all that, I tried. [SUCCEEDED] And you think the value of their attack on HELIOS, the chaos it will sow behind the Profligates' lines, is worth letting them live. Had he taken the government by force, used his army to stage a coup, things would be very different. The Brotherhood seems to have formed not long after the great atomic war. Why would Caesar need a doctor? 2.6k. Inside the building is a hatch, and inside that hatch are two steel doors that bear the {SIH-jihl}sigil of the Lucky 38 casino. And I've heard it's a bad idea to tempt the wrath of {KAI-zar}Caesar. Why don't you go and see? Today, you stand here with our brothers and sisters to hold that line. {Companion Reaction - Lily}How does one get that blue monster to obey? April 10, 2012 Robert . The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. I'll see what I can work out with the White Glove Society. Because they live to serve the greater good, and they know of no alternatives. [FAILED] {fighting through the pain}What's it look like, you asshole? When they refused to surrender, I ordered every man, woman, and child killed. {MASTER QUESTION NODE}Even with a President to kill, you have questions? Benny tried to sell me a story, but Lucius has a way coaxing the truth out of captives. [SUCCEEDED] And you think the value of their attack on HELIOS, the chaos it will sow behind the Profligates' lines, is worth letting them live. No one knows exactly how long it's been. You've been resourceful in the past. They're mentally flexible. They are missed. {Late game begins}{Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius draws near. When he did, I went to his bedside and showed him the helmet I'd had forged to cover his face. I may have a few surprises in store for the NCR, but that won't concern you. GrandTheftDiamonds 412 views. {Liked}We each serve the Legion, in our way. Your job is to make sure there's no Brotherhood for us to fight. You even disrupted a promising weapons deal with the Van Graffs. {limping off to bed, head feels like it's being crushed}Goddammit, go away! First up are the Boomers of Nellis Air Force Base, a tribe so reclusive, it lobs artillery shells at anyone who comes near their settlement. The Great Khans aren't exactly clamoring to fight for my Legion *now*. {Hated}{looking for an excuse to attack}Give me cause, Profligate. [Speech]{Try to convince Caesar of the Brotherhood's usefulness.}. {Elite rangers on the way}{Officer}The Legionaries fret like women over rumors of Rangers in black armor. These written orders will tell you what to do next. For further instructions, see {WULH-pace}Vulpes. Bear in mind how much you have to make up for, how much you have to prove yourself in your next task Just let me deal with Benny and I'll be on my way. What do you think of the Brotherhood of Steel? My scouts have seen people moving around the base. I'm not asking you to do this. Fallout 3 has by far the best world. Each paladin is quite powerful. And I'll have you hunted down, and your head mounted on a pole. But he did so by {disapproving}election. {MASTER QUESTION NODE}Even with the Brotherhood to deal with, you have questions? In the future, if I become aware that you've committed other crimes, I'll have my Praetorians butcher you before my eyes. {Hmph! {Player killed President Kimball}{Officer}I've heard the stories of how you assassinated Kimball. Your arrival will signal to him that it's time to launch the attack. Fallout: New Vegas is a role-playing video game in the Fallout series developed by Obsidian Entertainment (many employees of which worked for Black Isle Studios on Fallout and Fallout 2) and published by Bethesda Softworks.It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in October 2010. It's a simple procedure as brain surgeries go. You're limping when you walk. Lanius will lead the assault on Hoover Dam? So what's the diagnosis? {MASTER QUESTION NODE}What else did you want to know? {pleased}I like the servile attitude. Also the first to which I am {beat}ideologically opposed. I may have disrupted plans to recruit the Great Khans to your cause. Without him, there would be no NCR occupation of the Mojave. {Liked}{LATIN}{AH-way, ah-ME-cus}Ave, amicus. {Companion Reaction - Arcade}{pretending surprise}Imagine, a Follower brave enough to leave Freeside. No one's been inside it, except them. I took one of their envoys to the Ridgers' village and showed him the corpse piles. I've destroyed the Brotherhood of Steel's bunker in Hidden Valley. . It's not going to happen again. If I can reach out and kill whomever I choose, then they know the only reason they're alive is I haven't tried yet. The Kings of Freeside are cooperating with the NCR now, which frees up soldiers to defend the dam. So that's what I did, once my confederation of tribes was large enough. It dedicated its citizens to something higher than themselves - to the idea of Rome itself. A perfectly satisfactory way of resolving the threat they posed. {Somewhat liked}{Most idiots try to defy the Legion}You do well to serve the Legion. {switching modes}Anyway, we have other matters to discuss. This one falls to you. You can search the Vaults, but every Auto-Doc my Legion has run across has been stripped for parts long before we found it. {amused}If there's anything I learned as a Follower of the Apocalypse, it's that there's a lot of good information in old books. What's wrong with you? He was a subordinate guard for eight before that. Let's press on, shall we? The tribe becomes its own antithesis. {tired}Look for the Brotherhood's bunker around, uh {trying to remember}Hidden Valley. [FAILED]{irritated} Only when you're around. {WAH-lay}Vale. Was this the first time? {surprised}You destroyed the Brotherhood's bunker? It's not built to last. [FAILED]{pretty obvious, asshole} Yeah, it does. They say they're preserving these technologies, but for what? Caesar (real name: Edward Sallow) is the charismatic, yet ruthless and cruel leader (and founder) of Caesar's Legion. There are rumors that the White Gloves might be this lost tribe. With so much energy wasted on those below, how is he ever to move forward? {sudden, excruciating pain in head}{gritting teeth}Ehhhh! If he cures my condition, I'll see to it that your reward is several times his value. But the NCR didn't learn anything valuable. No blood spilled, just rivets. Makes for a powerful gift, in a culture that forbids painkillers and is largely ignorant of medical science. Mr. New Vegas is reading those reports and going "No way." RELATED: Fallout 4 vs New Vegas: Which One Is Better? The Boomers hate me. When you set your mind to something, you get results. You don't "deal with him" unless you've dealt with me. Every location is packed with Lore, items, and sceneries waiting to be discovered. Each one of them has done enough conquering and killing to deserve the rank of {Ken-TOO-ree-on}Centurion. {Companion Reaction - Raul}{disgusted by ghoul's appearance}What a revolting sight. {meaning it}Disturb me again and I'll have you killed! Fallout 2 has a score of 86 from Metacritic, an 8.8/10 from Gamespot, and an 8.9/10 from IGN. Begin your search there. The fundamental premise is to envision history as a sequence of "dialectical" conflicts. Couldn't you use the Brotherhood to your advantage? When another legatus or a {Ken-TOO-ree-on}Centurion fails to achieve results, I send {Lah-nee-OOS}Lanius to make things right. {BEFORE VAULT DESTROYED}We'll talk again when you've destroyed whatever is down in that bunker - not before. It instills a certain robust obedience. It's never had a functional diagnostic scanning module. Maybe the infestation has been there long enough to keep scavengers out. And try not to take too long. {Leh-GAH-tus Lah-Nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius has assumed command. {Rumors of Legion Veterans}{Officer}Soon the Legion's veterans will arrive from Arizona. My family lived not far from the great Boneyard. Absence seizure begins}, {breathe through nostrils for several seconds}, Urh{continue breathing through nostrils}. I sent Calhoun, the Follower captured with me, back West with a message that I should not be interfered with. That's not an idea to be put in circulation. {as though waking from a cat nap}Huh Yeah. The Profligates' days are numbered. VDialogueC_VDialogueCaesar_0014460E_2VDialogueC_VDialogueCaesar_0014460F_1. {no-nonsense}Then get yourself back there, and get it done. {Late game begins}{Officer}{Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius will arrive soon enough - and with him comes slaughter. She had the people's love. {Hated}When the time comes, I'll be the one to kill you. With {Lah-nee-OOS}Lanius to drive the Legion forward, the dam will be taken. And now you come before the mighty {KAI-zar}Caesar to what - offer your services? Goddammit! Is it treatable? {player killed Omerta leaders}All the bribes I sent to the Omertas ended up buying me {beat}nothing. Make sure they help the Legion when the time comes. As an anthropologist and linguist, my assignment was to learn the dialects of the Grand Canyon tribes. Every tenth man steps forward and is beaten to death by his brothers. {satisfied grunt - responding to the player's readiness}Good. I've heard rumors of your legate, Lanius. Right under their noses, too - {enjoying it}what a humiliation. {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS}Legatus Lanius draws nigh. If the Boomers will toe the line, I can focus on other preparations. {Dislike}{contempt}You belong on a cross, degenerate. So instead -. But this has its uses. My Praetorians embody the martial ideals of my Legion. He was supposed to teach me. {mild concern}I thought I heard something {frustrated, hostile}Skulking like a coward will not save you! Mr. House dies - while you're visiting him at the Lucky 38. {keeping player in his/her place}That's right, you should be going - because you have work to do. [FAILED] Then gather the tools you need, and study up on your medical skills. He received a free education from the Followers and eventually became a scribe, specializing in anthropology and linguistics. {Lan-ee-OOS}Lanius is the greatest of my battlefield commanders. But you - of all people - dare to come here and stand before me, the mighty {KAI-zar}Caesar. Dialectics tells us that this can't last. I get it. You die easily enough. Most Fallout fans have their favorite {shouting for guards, voice weaker than usual}Praetorians! I'll have my guards take him captive. That's all I need to know. And the West all beneath the flag of the Great Bear exist to test the strength of the Legion. Kill this asshole! Down the hill, at the west edge of camp, is an old building. The destruction of an enemy there are few things more satisfying. I'm fine. You lost me a great opportunity to deal a blow to the Profligates' morale. Or kill them - their leaders, at least. Go back to their bunker and finish the job. Decades of warfare, absorbing lesser tribes, gathering power. Savagely loyal, too, but only to me - he has no love for my Legion. Fine! Fallout New Vegas did not have a very good world like this. It's stiffer, hard to move. {FIRST TALK, BAD NCR REP}{appraising}So I finally get to meet the courier who's caused so much trouble for the New California Republic. Nicely done. A title he earned by extirpating lesser tribes that dared attack NCR citizens. They keep being told that victory is right around the corner, that Vegas will roll over, become the sixth state of their little union. The Blackfoot were at war with seven other tribes, each just as pissant as they were. House's machines, his technologies - what do they propose? {Wild Child}{Officer}You can't be trusted but you're useful. That said, every once in a while I hear something so ignorant, I have to respond. He's in the way. The Brotherhood will have to be dealt with eventually, but for the moment, they {getting one over on them}live to serve. {even more irritated}I said, let me get to my chair. Sometimes I bestow its use upon someone I favor. Maybe I should have you struck blind so my face is the last sight you ever behold. {FIRST TALK, TROUBLE}{slow burn}You're the courier who's caused so much trouble for my Legion, and yet you dare come before me. This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas dialogue project.This project is designed to allow users to link to pages containing a character's dialogue for simpler and cleaner references by sorting through, cleaning up and categorizing quotes from every major character in Fallout: New Vegas..If you want to participate, please check the project page. {WUHL-pace in-CUHL-tah}Vulpes Inculta, the best of my {froo-men-TAR-ee}frumentarii, is dead. {frustrated, hostile - hit "will"}By {KAI-zar}Caesar, I will find you. And yet my Legion obeys me, even unto death. I approve. Generic Caesar's Legion military dialogue. I'm looking forward to getting sent across the river. It's not a full-strength chapter, mind you. {louder}Haven't you? They are fearless! I'm telling you. So you know what I think? Lucius has been the head of my guard for five years now. So what's "dialectic" about you and the NCR? The West shall fall as the East fell, and all the tribes that stretch to the setting sun shall bear the mark of the Legion. When he arrives, the real slaughter will begin. And you've seen me blank out. I'm concerned you may have a serious neurological condition. Complete your mission, then return to me. His responses were {approving}swift and draconian. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Because I'm going to have you killed now. {seething}Do you have any idea how much effort it took to place a mole at McCarran who could plant that bomb on the monorail? What's his story? You know everything you need to know. I trust this payment is adequate compensation for your troubles. Edward Sallow was born in 2226 as an NCR citizen. It's hard to know - they care little for history. Sidequests. A fight fallout new vegas caesar quotes the Brotherhood 's bunker in Hidden Valley up.. Add to library 110 Discussion. Question is are you ready to explode destruction of an enemy are! 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