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My one disappointment in the process was the Have you ever heard anything so lame in your life? He sent him down to the scourging and the crowning with thorns, to the giving of his back to the smiters and his cheeks to those that plucked off the hair. As low as There are also those of you here that may not be caught in great sin, or addiction, or trouble. While trying to stay true to his promise, Caleb becomes frustrated time and again. The Most Famous Bible Verse Among Christians And Catholics Is John 3:16. He finally asks his father, How am I supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?. hits. As I prepared for this sermon, I couldnt get the story of that movie out of my mind. All rights reserved. The far-reaching purpose of that love was both negative and positive; that, believing in Jesus, men might not perish, but have eternal life. Early in his career he famously wore John 3:16 on his eye black. 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. These words say it all; we cannot brighten the sun. When we enquire why the Lord loved this man or that, we have to come back to our Saviour's answer to the question, "Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight." The first is the GIFT: "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son." There was nothing lovable in it. in due time Christ died for the ungodly. He is God's free gift to all free receivers; a full Christ for empty sinners. Do you not sympathize with them? Rise to the heights!, You can be saved and not completely get this, You can be a good person and not get this, You can be a good husband / wife / father / mother / friend. Keep company with God and learn a life of love. Since he is without age, you cannot lose him. He looked upon his Only Begotten as man's hope, the inheritance of the chosen seed, who in him would possess all things. Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Dec 30, You know the verse, but I pray that God will help us to see His truth is a powerful way. Some of you had an abortion and you know it was wrong and youre wondering if God can still love you. Your family. Jesus said, Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. (Mark 16:16) The promise of Jesus was made in the garden of Eden almost as soon as Adam fell. Last Sunday, we considered the premise of "Lama sabachthani" tells us how fully God gave his Son to ransom the souls of the sinful. Do you know that I have great parents, and a great wife, and great children, Ive got a good education, and a good resume, but the day I start relying on those things rather than on the unconditional love of God, I am through, I am benched because I know that its only by the grace of God, only because of his favor, only because of Gods unconditional love that I stand here before you. The words here used, "He gave his Only Begotten Son," cannot relate exclusively to the death of Christ, for Christ was not dead at the time of the utterance of this third chapter of John. But during the Revival of 1859 Henry gave his life to Jesus. Oh, that you may have faith to lay hold on Jesus, for thus he will be yours. the Bible. Flemming's most moving and touching sermons. But when did he do that? Observe how Christ loved us. It was his only-begotten Sonhis beloved Son, in whom he was well pleased. His love was not cautious but extravagant. Select an option and chat directly with a member of our support team. Nothing is freer than a gift. 6 Jesus is the Holy One of God. Oh, that thousands of you may gladly accept the gift unspeakable! I do not call you to an elementary lesson because you have forgotten your letters, but because it is a good thing to refresh the memory, and a blessed thing to feel young again. I want to show you a 5 minute clip from the movie. 1 JOHN 3:16-18. That love which spares nothing, but spends itself to help and bless its object, is love indeed, and not the mere name of it. Of course he can. I wish that much the same may be said of me. Our desire should be to pursue TRUE wisdom, the kind that produces a world in which mankind can live in love, joy and peace, and have all their needs met. The story behind the sermon (Craig Brian Larson) The background of my approach to this sermon: As I began work on this sermon, I realized that it has been many years since I preached on this great verse, and so the process of writing this sermon was as delightful as running into a wonderful friend you haven't seen in years. And the second is like it: Love (agapao) your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. (Matthew 22:37-41). John 3:16 the miniature gospel. It must not be the first: how could they spare their first-born? One day in 1867, he met the famed evangelist, D.L. He is infinitely pure. God's love springs from himself. After a few minutes of silence, she couldnt stand it anymore, Dad? Yes, honey. Do you know why Christian has never been to a Soccer game this year? (she plays soccer at the YMCA and is at least 6 games into her season) Do you know why Christian has never been to a Soccer game this year? (I'm thinking she's going to say he's sick, his parents are sick, gas is too expensive) I ask, Why? She says, Because he cant find his uniform.. Henry Moorhouse was a wild young man who by the age of sixteen was a gambler, gang-leader, and thief. Amid the ruins of humanity there was space for showing how much Jehovah loved the sons of men; for the compass of his love was no less than the world, the object of it no less than to deliver men from going down to the pit, and the result of it no less than the finding of a ransom for them. John 3:16. Henry Moorhouse was a wild young man who, by age sixteen, was a gambler, gang-leader, and thief. The Bible has a far different definition of love than the world. Want to get in touch? What was there in the world that God should love it? 16 By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us. Assuredly she would. Jesus said, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (Jn. Ask all the know-it-alls in the world. Intro: This is perhaps the greatest text in the Bible. My 7-year-old daughter knocked on the door (thats a good thing) and she came in and climbed up next to me in the bed and was real quiet (she was trying to let dad finish his reading). PLEASE HOLD FOR AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM GOD. 3:16) 3. Copyright 2001 by Phillip R. Johnson. It has been my one and only business to set forth the love of God to men in Christ Jesus. I greatly admire this pertinacity of love; for many a man in a moment of generous excitement can perform a supreme act of benevolence, and yet could not bear to look at it calmly, and consider it from year to year; the slow fire of anticipation would have been unbearable. What more could he give? Please see below for details. I am usually rather calm in front of crowds of any size. paint. As leaders will do, I made a quick decision, ditch the text, read John 3:16-17 and pull the ripcord. In his eternal purpose he did this from before the foundation of the world. When the great God gave his Son he gave God himself, for Jesus is not in his eternal nature less than God. John 3:16-21. December 13, 2015. 5:14 (Mes). John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. By the plan of mercy, and the great gift which was needed for carrying it out, the Lord found means to display his boundless love to guilty men. Sermons John 15:11 John 16:24 Christm $3.75: I'll Be Home For Christmas: 0525: Sermons Luke 2:1-7 Christmas $3.75: The Missing Christmas Present: 0457: Sermons Luke 1:26-38 Christmas $3.75: Getting the Rats Out of Christmas: 0456: Sermons John 3:16&17 Christmas $3.75: Twas the Day After Christmas: 0453 God gave his all: he gave himself. Who can measure this love? He sent him down to hunger, and thirst, amid poverty so dire that he had not where to lay his head. Jesus places do not enter signs all over the gateway to hell and he announces to anyone who wants to go, if you go youve gotta go over my dead body.. Babes in Christ and men in Christ here feed upon one common food. He was soon heard preaching the Gospel with all his heart; and his favorite text was John 3:16. GOD GAVE HIS SON - Gods love for the world is seen in tangible terms - the giving of His Exhortation: John 3:16-17 by Minister Lee Rice @ Comment. Millions of American professional football fans get regular glimpses of this Scripture citation on their TV screens. Black Preacher Sermon site was designed for Pastors, Preachers, Laymen's and Ministry Administrators. There he slept, where horned oxen fed! It has been called the ADVERTISEMENTS. He uses this word in Deuteronomy 10:15 Yet the Lord was devoted to your fathers and loved them. When the Hebrews heard that, they heard God say The Lord binds [hashaq] Himself to His people., Bible tells us that it is vital for us to understand Gods unconditional love, When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus said, Love (agapao) the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. There is no exhausting this gift. "But God commendeth his love to- ward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 1-318-573-2545. Watched Tim Tebow play for the Florida Gators in 2009, when he wrote John 3:16 on his eye black, or 3. And, if I forget, you remind me. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. This is all the more singular, because I can truly say that it might be put in the forefront of all my volumes of discourses as the sole topic of my life's ministry. The love of our espousals is most likely to continue if we again and again begin where God began with us, and where we first began with God. In the gift of his only-begotten Son, God commended his love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. John Piper May 17, 2009 77 Shares Sermon. Since he has no sin, you cannot corrupt him. I might handle my text in a thousand different ways to-night; but for simplicity's sake, and to keep to the one point of setting forth the love of God, I want to make you see how great that love is by five different particulars. Find answers to some of the more asked questions. This will change your life. Scripture: John 3:1621. If she could withdraw from such a trial, would she not? Why should he be put to a cruel death for such abominable beings, who even wash their hands in the blood of their best friend"? Let me repeat that for those of you who were checking your text messages, this kid has missed more than half the season because he cant find his uniform. Will anyone refuse? that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. A Sermon Intended for reading on Lord's-Day, July 26th, 1885, but have everlasting life. After several seconds of silence a voice on the other end of the line spoke and said: Please hold for important information. Hes been following The Love Dare for about 20 days and he realizes that its not enough and its not working. This is one of Rev. Now, as this gift refers not only to our Lord's death, but to the ages before it, so it includes also all the ages afterwards. Herein is love: love which many waters could not quench: love eternal, inconceivable, infinite! Oh, wondrous stretch of love, that Jesus Christ should die! Test its length! John 3:16 is another of these. For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. Play video clip (I used a video clip from the movie Fireproof where Caleb's father leads him to Christ). He finds out that he cant give his wife something that he doesnt have. None of us had ever such a son to give. To what we love the most we give the most. The higher truths, those truths which belong to a more enlightened experience, those richer truths which tell of the fellowship of the higher lifeall these are helpful to holy fellowship; but I am sure not more so than those elementary and foundation truths which were the means of our first entrance into the kingdom of God. And its not only here in John 3:16, but all through the word of God: I Timothy 2:4 says God desires ALL men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. II Peter 3:9 says He does not desire for ANY to perish, but for ALL to come to repentance. A. We are about to meet around the communion table, and I cannot preach from this text anything but a simple gospel sermon. John isnt saying that believers never sin, but that they dont sin deliberately and continuously. All we have to is turn to John 3:16. Would not that be too much? in the salvation of so many souls. Yet, I cannot leave this point till I have you notice when God gave his Son, for there is love in the time. Men who love much will give much, and you may usually measure the truth of love by its self-denials and sacrifices. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's father challenges his son to commit to a 40-day experiment: The Love Dare. In the middle of the movie he realizes that its not enough and its not working. Not from anything outside of God himself. Remember that our Lord Jesus died what his countrymen considered to be an accursed death. I went up to my bedroom to find some quiet to try to finish this book. Since he has no needs, you cannot tire him. Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. The fact is that Jesus was always the gift of God. As I have said already, nothing upon the face of the earth could have merited his love, though there was much to merit his displeasure. This Scripture Cuts Through The Clutter And Defines What Love Is And How To Have A Relationship With God Through Jesus Christ. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being good enough for her husband. We expect and anger filled God, we expect a God who wants to get back at your for everything youve done, and everything your momma and daddy did, and throw in the stuff that your flaky sister did, In last weeks small group session of 3:16, Max Lucado made a very powerful statement, he said, God loved this world so much that he gave not his condemnation but he gave his son. BY THIS WE KNOW LOVE. Looked at the bottom of a soda cup at an In-and-Out Burger or a shopping bag from Forever 21, each of which bears the inscription, John 3:16, 2. Yet God so loved us that, to put it very strongly, he seemed to love us better than his only Son, and did not spare him that he might spare us. I tell you what is lamer, more lame, the lamest a Christian who does not get the Love of God, who does not understand the Love of God, who does not receive the Love of God, who is trying to make relationship work, trying to get through life, trying to live the Christian life while they are sidelined by guilt, and fear, living in the past, wondering if God can use you. An Introspective Spiritual Review Of A.d. 2020. Little love forgets to bring water for the feet, but great love breaks its box of alabaster and lavishes its precious ointment. John Piper Dec 25, 1994 47 Shares Sermon. This good gift, this perfect gift,can you decline it? I'm not talking about marriage but I am talking about relationships today, with your wife, with your parents, with your friends, with your boss, but it starts with this relationship with God. The Greatest Love (1 of 4) by Jeff Strite. "God is love." TEXT - John 3:16. I see you do. This Is the Judgment: Light Has Come into the World. Would you not cry, "I cannot part with my son for such wretches as these. There was no higher proof of Abraham's love to God than when he did not withhold from God his son, his only son, his Isaac whom he loved; and there can certainly be no greater display of love than for the Eternal Father to give his only-begotten Son to die for us. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. They had four sons. Yet so profound, few have dared to preach from this text. single verse in all the Scriptures has been as blessed. He sent him down amongst scribes and Pharisees, whose cunning eyes watched him, and whose cruel tongues scourged him with base slanders. To the Romans it was the death of a condemned slave, a death which had all the elements of pain, disgrace, and scorn mingled in it to the uttermost. Now, there happened to be an occasion upon which the great God could display his immeasurable love. He was soon heard preaching the Gospel with all his heart His favorite text was John 3:16. WAS very greatly surprised the other day, in looking over the list of texts from which I have preached, to find that I have no record of ever having spoken from this verse. Do you want to hear the Apostle Pauls prayer for you, Max Lucado reminded us last week You cant do anything to make God love you more, you cant do anything that will make God love you less., You cannot win it, you cannot lose it, but you can refuse it.. Your Bible study. Visit http://www.pastorshelper.com for Dynamic Sermons & Ministry Resources! Anyone who has not experienced the love of God and who does not have this love to share with others is like a soccer player who cant get in the game because he cant find his uniform. God wants you to put on His unconditional love like a garment, like a new set of clothes, like a uniform. Sign Up or Sign In. I should have to labour for expression if I were to attempt to set forth to the full this priceless boon; and I will not court a failure by attempting the impossible. He did not give his Son, as you might do, to some profession in the pursuit of which you might still enjoy his company; but he gave his Son to exile among men. Welcome To Black Preacher Sermon.Com. So hard to understand this concept of Gods love. I. Did you know you can be in danger of missing the truth and reality of Gods unconditional love? *Indicated Required Field See ourPrivacy Policy. God has such love in his nature that he must needs let it flow forth to a world perishing by its own wilful sin; and when it flowed forth it was so deep, so wide, so strong, that even inspiration could not compute its measure, and therefore the Holy Spirit gave us that great little word SO, and left us to attempt the measurement, according as we perceive more and more of love divine. God created you to love you, God is for you, He is rooting for you, even when you fail, even when you sin. May 17, 2009. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. First Baptist Church Sermon at 8:30 only. A verse even non-believers know. We have fellowship with God and with one another upon the basis of the infinite love which is displayed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Suppose also that she knew that he would be hanged upon a tree to die, as one condemned; would it not embitter her existence? It is the best loved and best known verse. 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