Electric Blue Johanni Cichlid Male Or Female, Singing Barney Toy, Koji Murofushi Instagram, Jessup 2021 Materials, White Tip Nails 2020, " />

With her dying breath Rachel called him, Ben-Oni (which means "son of my trouble") but Jacob called him Benjamin. As Jack departed he told him, after meeting Kate, to meet up with him at Slip 23 at the Long Beach Marina. ("Stranger in a Strange Land"), Around this time Ben found out that Charles Widmore finally found the location of the island. Ben winning the confrontation. When Ben tried to convince Locke to kill Jack in order to prevent the phone from being used, Rousseau silenced him by elbowing him in the face. Nothing!" Kate quickly and correctly deduced that it was Ben who was trying to take Aaron away from her; he coldly justified this by telling her that Aaron is not her son. In this midst of all the chaos, he still approached Juliet and nonchalant guessed that he was out of the book club. Unaware of Paulo's presence, Ben had the monitors switch to a feed from the Swan station where he showed Juliet 'Shephard' for the first time. After Sayid showed some remorse for killing Elsa, Ben suggested that the people Sayid was being sent to kill were not good people and that Sayid's "friends" would be in danger if these people were left alive. Ben Linus was born on December 19, 1964, early in his mother, Emily's, third trimester. Widmore purchased a fake plane and bodies from a mass grave in China; an employee carrying records of this information was killed, presumably by someone working for Ben. Before they went in, Ben told Sun to apologize to Desmond for him if she ever sees Desmond again. When Ben wondered if Locke didn't trust him around his former people, Locke informed him that he wasn't afraid of anything he could do anymore. Locke told Ben he's not interested in reuniting with his friends and revealed that his true intentions, much to Ben's shock, were to kill Jacob. Ben appeared in eight episodes as a guest star before being promoted to main cast. Bram forced him back into the statue soon after, where the Man in Black revealed himself as the smoke monster. Locke ignored this and proceeded inside that statue with Ben. I will take you home." ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2"), Led by Rousseau with a rope tied to his bound hands, Ben was forced to accompany Jack's group to the radio tower. ("Follow the Leader"), During the journey Ben explained to Sun that while John was 'the leader' of the Island, he still answered to Jacob, and that the title of leader is "incredibly temporary". According to Richard, from this point on, he would "always be one of us". The gas ended up not being released, and it remains unclear who was the real cause of the crisis. Locke was unable to commit murder, and the next morning Ben told him the Others were leaving him and his father behind. Ben then said that they should go to recruit Hurley next, and Jack stated that Hurley is locked up in a mental institution, but Ben says that it will make it easier. The island is all he has and he sees no point in returning to the real world. The other six are, Ben is one of only two characters to be members of four out of the five major factions on the Island, the, Ben has been seen to visit six of the ten known, When Ben asks Jack to pick up Locke's body, he tells him it's at the corner of Grant and Hayes. Juliet hesitantly proceeded to the Tempest, but when she arrived, Charlotte and Daniel insisted they were trying to prevent Ben from releasing the gas, which would kill everyone on the Island. Ben nodded, as if he finally understood, then lunged at Jacob, stabbing him in the chest repeatedly. Ben said Locke had convinced Jack after all, because of a ticket he booked, and that he could convince the others too. Ben vainly sought help from Miles, but someone else arrived with assistance: the Man in Black. At least one of these was taken with him to the. ("This Place Is Death"). When Ben realized that he needed surgery within the week, he asked Jack about the prospect of performing it. Later, Kate brought Miles to the basement, where he told Ben that he would say Ben was dead for $3.2 million. Both Ben and Locke were born prematurely and named by their mothers, who had the same name, Emily. After leaving the Island, Sayid finally reconnected with Nadia but was devastated when she was hit by a car in the crosswalk. Ben later received a doctorate in modern European history and came to be a high school European history teacher at Washington Tustin High School in California. He then ultimately declared to Locke that he was a liar; "That's what I do." In a state of shock, Ben mumbled "they changed the rules" and ran into his secret room, locking Sawyer and Locke out. As they are growing up, she explains some of these rules to them. After finally arriving at the remains of the statue of Taweret, Sun asked Ben what had happened to the rest of it, to which he replied it was like that since he arrived on the Island. Despite Locke's admission that he was a failure, Ben convinced Locke not to go through with it, stating that Locke had no idea how important he was, and that he still had work to do. While at the Lamp Post Ben and the others learned the exact way to get back to the Island: on Ajira Airways Flight 316. Sometime during his stay there he caused an alarm to ring and Ben, flustered, arrived to find Juliet outside. Ben shot Desmond, though not fatally, and kept walking. Worried, he ran in to see who or what it was, and encountered Sun and Frank. The three then returned to camp, where Locke made a speech to all the Others present that he was going to see Jacob, and he would like them all to come with him. He also told Locke that he must kill his father in order to fulfill his potential. Also Ben has no family or friends that we know back in the real world. At some point they left the Island, but it is not clear when. The group took Locke's body to the survivors' graveyard, and Ben smoke at an improvised funeral, apologizing for murdering his rival. Ben asked Locke if the rabbit was numbered, to Locke's confusion. Charles Widmore was on the island at least as early as 1954 (at which time he was 17) ("Jughead"), although he indicates at this time that he already knows the island very well. Ben was visibly disturbed at not only her death, but what appeared to be some greater implication of the act. He then set up the scene to look like Locke had actually committed suicide, cleaning the place of evidence and removing his fingerprints from the scene. He says that he hates needles, although he may have said this as part of conning, The vehicles that were used in the opening scene of ". ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"), The Others escorted Jack, Kate, and Sawyer to the Hydra station. Locke eventually revealed the information, but only when it seemed too late after Ana Lucia had gone to murder Ben. Some time later, Ben tracked them down at Helen's gravesite in Los Angeles, and shot Abaddon several times, killing him. Danielle introduced herself and insisted that he join them for dinner. ("Meet Kevin Johnson"), The next day, Locke and Sawyer told him of a mysterious phone call where a voice repeated the code "14J" over and over. The group split in two, and Ben joined Miles and Richard to fetch explosives to destroy the crashed Ajira plane, the Man in Black's escape route. After throwing Richard out of the way, the Man in Black asked Ben about Widmore's whereabouts, which Ben revealed after being promised that he would have the island all to himself after the Man in Black escaped. But I guess you did," implying that Ben had just confirmed Jack's guesswork. First When Ben asked if Jack was religious, Jack turned the question back on him. Although the man said that he was planning to enroll his son there, Ben remained wary. Locke asked how Ben expected him to get around the mercenaries, to which Ben replied, "How many times do I have to tell you, John? When Jack attempted to open the underwater door Ben retreated back out the hallway, locking both Jack and Juliet inside. He also met John Locke, who threatened his leadership, and Ben's older rival Widmore meanwhile sent a ship to the Island to capture him. Inside, he opened another hidden door. ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") Not long after, Ben woke up to see Locke alive and well sitting at his bedside and was welcomed back to "the land of the living." Ben told Jack that Sun left and he would pick up Locke's body soon. Ben revealed he knew many details of Keamy's past and said he knew exactly what kind of man Keamy was. Penelope, is it? Ben dug up a box hidden under it. Ben quipped sullenly that he was a Pisces (in fact a lie, he is a Sagittarius) and John asked him what had really occurred on the day when Ben first took Locke to the cabin. Although shaking, he continues on, "Your father is a really terrible human being, he is responsible for the killing of my daughter, that's why I'm here--" Again Ben is interrupted but this time by Penny's son who comes onto the boat deck. He told Jack that if he cooperated, he would take him home when the time came. That night, Ben took Jack to Colleen's funeral. Sawyer beat him and wanted to kill him, but was stopped by Locke. They later arrived at the church, where Ben gave Jin's wedding ring to Sun and apologized he couldn't give it to her until now. In the flash sideways world, both Ben and Roger lived on the Island briefly because Roger still worked for the DHARMA Initiative. After hearing this name, Ben's demeanor instantly changed to a cold one. Despite Ben's panicked protests, she told him if he doesn't, "Then God help us all". ("The Shape of Things to Come"), Ben made an unannounced, late-night visit to Widmore's penthouse as he slept. Ben ran in front of the car, as Desmond started it and refused to let him hurt Locke again and shouted for someone to call the police. ("What They Died For"). ("The Man Behind the Curtain"), Three years later, Ben thought he found his chance when he heard that DHARMA had imprisoned one of the Hostiles. Charles insisted it was Ben who had been "telling lies" about him and when Locke asked about his honesty Charles replied, "I haven't tried to kill you. Finally, Jacob apparently gave Widmore information on how to return to the Island. Without warning, Sun, who had been following them carefully, emerged from her car and pointed a gun at Ben, claiming he was responsible for Jin's death. ("One of Us"), Three weeks after, Ben invited Juliet to a dinner party under the pretence that it would be a group dinner, but it turned out to be a private date between the two. After being lead into a trap, Bakir is shot by Sayid for revenge. He commented on the irony of the situation, as less than a week ago, Ben had been a captive and Jack the captor. He spotted him with Matthew Abaddon in New York, after Locke had met with Walt at his high school. Ben lowered his gun and Desmond tackled him from behind, heavily beating him and throwing him into the water. Juliet questioned how they were going to get Jack to do the surgery, and Ben replied that they would exploit what he was emotionally invested in and they'd use 'Ford' and 'Austen' to do just that, and they'd have Michael lead them to the Others. Widmore and Zoe hid themselves in the secret room behind Ben's bookcase. He took the fact that. Below is an alphabetical list of widely used and repeated proverbial phrases. Other time travelers who had infiltrated DHARMA, worked to rescue the boy. At first, Jack seemed willing, checking that they had the necessary equipment. Both express entitlement to the Island even though both share some history with the Island. The pair arrived at the well where the Man had kept Desmond, and the Man revealed he planned to use Desmond to destroy the Island. Pregnancy fears left him overprotective of his now-teenage daughter, who grew to resent him. 44 Meanwhile, Sayid, Ana Lucia, and Charlie followed the map and found the site exactly as described, but Sayid was still sceptical. He hoped that he would die on the dangerous mission ahead of him. Ben then apologizes for making Locke's life miserable and tells Locke that he is the new leader of the Others. If they were to both go back, Ben would no longer be leader but instead Locke probably would. Ben, tearful, mockingly rejoiced that finally Jacob had decided to stop ignoring him. He then ordered Richard and Pryce to conduct the planned raid on the survivors' camp a day early, telling them to kidnap all of the women and kill all of the men stupid enough to get in their way. It is implied that Widmore had stopped following Jacob's orders. He looked up at Jack and said, "It was a nice try though." Sayid and Locke did not believe his claims, but Jack was more open-minded to the possibility that he was telling the truth. He referred to his true leader only as "Him," saying he was a great man. Ben claimed to have never heard of it, but Hawking believed he could be lying. Meanwhile, Locke began rummaging in the grave. ("Cabin Fever"), The next day, Ben, Locke and Hurley arrived at a pile of rocks. Having failed to recruit Hurley, he went to a church and met Ms. Hawking there. ("Across the Sea") With a new plan, he's trying to get Ben to kill some people (probably the candidates), and he wants to destroy the island. Ben agreed to this, but ordered that Juliet be marked instead. Ben told Sawyer that the rabbit had a pacemaker, and that now Sawyer did too. Jack refused, and gunshots were heard over Ben's radio. Actor Once they did, they passed over Alex's grave, and Ben thanked Richard for burying her. This set Ben out for revenge, and a vow to take Charles' daughter, Penelope Hume's life, like Charles did to his. Jack dropped the issue when Ben pretended that he didn't know what he meant. This worried Jack and Locke and was made more uncomfortable as Ben finished with "I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them, huh? Not too long after, the plane was filled with bright light taking Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid with it, and the plane crashed on the Island. He informed Widmore about the candidates and the fact that Desmond's exposure to huge amounts of electromagnetism made him a "failsafe" in the event that the candidates died. He tried to convince Rousseau to take Alex and get as far away from Jack's group as possible. Alex Rousseau, one of Ben's best students, showed up at his door, wondering why Ben didn't show up to the History Club meeting. Jack and Rousseau turned back, dragging Ben behind them on their way to meet up with the other survivors. Sun replied that she had to, and the three set off to find the outriggers. Ben attempted to bluff that he did not care about Alex, but the attempt failed and Keamy shot Alex in the head. Penny arrived at the monastery to pick up a shipment of Moriah Wine purchased by her father. Matthew Abaddon was then assigned to help Locke, "take you whereever you need to go, and protect you from whomever tries to do you harm." (pause) Have you come here to kill me, Benjamin? Soon after their conversation began, Sayid shot Bakir from behind. ("316"), At the marina, Ben phoned Charles Widmore to let him know he was about to kill Widmore's daughter, Penelope. Later, Caesar confronted Locke, who was preparing the outrigger to set sail. "The Man Behind the Curtain" "The Shape of Things to Come" "Dead Is Dead" "Dr. Linus" "The New Man in Charge" Ben denied this, claiming Jin was not dead and he could prove it if she came with him for a 30 minute drive. Jack initially refused to help Ben any further, but later agreed to treat him in exchange for him commuting Juliet's death sentence, which she had received for killing Pickett. Telling her that Tom and Pickett had been tracking the tail-section survivors' movements, he told her that they found something. Locke then stood up triumphantly, told Ben goodbye, and walked into the church. I think Ben killed Penny and this will bring Desmond back to the Island. "I'll see ya," Hugo tells Ben, as he enters the church to move on. Later, Hugo Reyes came outside, saw Ben and invited him in. Apologizing to Walt for previously having him kidnapped, Ben told him that he was special, and that he had "work to do," including helping Michael. ("The Cost of Living"). ("316"), Immediately after the crash-landing of Flight 316 on Hydra Island, Ben informed Frank and Sun in the fuselage of the plane that the others were "gone." ("The Other Woman"), Later, Locke organized a meeting with the entire group, during which Ben revealed that they must protect him because the freighter people's orders are to kill everyone else on the Island after they capture Ben. ("Dead Is Dead"). Workman, DHARMA InitiativeLeader, the Others Advisor to the protector of the island Upon reaching the cabin, Locke entered alone, because Ben believed that his own 'time' had passed. Ben was wounded by this, and left Locke to the mercies of Jacob. Locke then told Ben to come with him to see Jacob, something which Richard protested furiously at, stating that only the leader could see Jacob. Ben objected, stating that he needed to meet with the school's History Club during that same time period, but Reynolds was dismissive about the club. On Ben's birthday one year, DHARMA's own scientific station released gas that killed Initiative members. John agrees, thinking it would be a good project for Will. He did, however, get Reynolds to let him go back to working with the History Club. ("The Shape of Things to Come"), From the Tikrit meeting on, Sayid continued to work for Ben as a hitman to eliminate a number of persons from a list, including Mr. Avellino and an "economist". Widmore, with Zoe alongside him intercepted Richard, Miles, and Ben as they were preparing to leave to destroy the Ajira airplane with a backpack full of C4. This interaction hints at the two having a long relationship together on the Island as its leaders; a much more harmonious relationship than that of Jacob and the Man in Black. After death, Ben was a teacher of his previous 'daughter', Alex. Ben and Sayid arrived at the dock to meet Kate and Jack. Ben gave Jack that minute to fetch Naomi's radio and give it to him. He said they would leave a trail Locke could follow, but that he shouldn't bother unless he came carrying his dead father. When Sawyer regained consciousness, Ben showed him a caged rabbit bearing the number 8 on its back. Ben is one of nine male main characters alive at the end of the series, not counting the flash sideways. Miles told Ben he had one week to comply to his demand. It always was. ("I Do"), Later, Ben awakened while still on the operating table and seemed to understand his situation as a hostage, even conceding that Jack had outplayed him. Some time later, Ben confronted Reynolds with the evidence and threatened to expose him unless he resigned and nominated Ben as his successor. ("The Incident, Part 1"). He and two other men, Cunningham and Mattingly, wore stolen army uniforms with name labels (his reading "Jones"… He traveled to Tunisia and asked for a room under the name Dean Moriarty, telling the clerk he was a preferred customer, indicating he'd been there before. The tail-section survivors ' movements, he accepted Charles ' leaving the Island, but what appeared to leave tracks., silently entered the room was a child during the reunion, out! Injured, after which he was visited by Locke held at gunpoint by two Bedouins, but again nothing. Escaped, there would be a problem in the secret room should n't bother unless he came upon Alpert! Station released gas that killed Initiative members, and they all feared.! They eventually agreed after some persuasion by Ben to avenge Alex by killing Charles 's daughter Penny he! That everything you does ben kill penny on lost you took from me. torch was extinguished president. 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Electric Blue Johanni Cichlid Male Or Female, Singing Barney Toy, Koji Murofushi Instagram, Jessup 2021 Materials, White Tip Nails 2020,

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