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2. If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. - Verse-by-Verse Commentary Do not find fault with thy mental tools. הצליח and השׂכיל, directly means "to succeed," or causatively: "to make to succeed." I. But perhaps a more specialized meaning is intended: "dead flies" = … 1. If the iron be blunt— If an iron instrument be blunt, though the edge be not quite off, and he who wanteth to make use of it increaseth his strength, skill is more profitable to succeed: or it may be rendered, If an axe be blunt, though the edge is not quite off, then the workman shall exert his utmost strength, and skill remaineth to make him succeed. (Note: Also the twofold Haggadic explanation, Taanith 8 a, gives to hachshir the meaning of “to set, à priori, in the right place.” Luther translated qilqal twice correctly, but further follows the impossible rendering of Jerome: multo labore exacuetur , et post industriam sequetur sapientia .). The advocates of the hypothesis of a Dialogue have here a support in אם, which may be rendered interrogatively; but where would we find, syntactically as well as actually, the answer? It is the man who knows the most who will make the best workman when he has learnt the trade. The misery of the heathen world is that it does not possess in wisdom a corrective, that, in fact, it has nothing on which the iron of their understanding may be whetted when its edge has become dull. But granting that qilqal, which there signifies "to shake," may be used of the swinging of an axe (for which we may refer to the Aethiop. Whoso possesses such a corrective must be exalted, however deeply he may have sunk: he who possesses it not, must perish, to whatever height he may have risen. Gregory compares the devil to these Philistines, blinding and blunting men’s wits and understandings, "lest the light of saving truth should shine unto them." render it by ταράσσειν, דּלח, to shake, and thereby to trouble, make muddy); in the Mishn. A little preparation, a little contrivance, will prevent in the end an enormous amount of work, whereas the neglect of common foresight must entail the waste of strength and time and toil. It may have often struck you, as a very surprising feature in God’s dealings with this earth, that though He has abundantly stored it with all the necessaries and comforts of civilized life, He has left both the discovery and employment of such materials dependent upon human industry and human ingenuity. We have often in Hebrew “mouth of the sword,” for edge of the sword, but the only parallel for the expression “face” in that sense is in the highly poetical passage in Ezekiel 21:16, just referred to. The preference of rash to judicious counselors, which entailed the pushing of matters by force, proved to be the "hurt" of Rehoboam, (1 Kings 12:1-33.) ), all modern interpreters, with the exception of a few who lose themselves on their own path, gain the thought, that in all undertakings wisdom hath the advantage in the devising of means subservient to an end. (4-10) Of foolish talk. קלקל, or pointed with Pattach instead of Tsere (cf. We may be sure there are some very wise ends, though not discoverable by us, subserved by this protracted concealment. When wisdom is not employed the maximum benefit of all implements is lessened", John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Keil & Delitzsch Old Testament Commentary, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Ernst Hengstenberg on John, Revelation, Ecclesiastes, Ezekiel & Psalms. Strength may be saved in governmental action by a wise policy. ... See commentary on Ecclesiastes 2:24). Ecclesiastes 3:13; Job 7:4; Micah 5:7, and is fond of the inverted order of the words for the sake of emphasis, 11:8, cf. Ecclesiastes 10:9 - He who quarries stones may be hurt by them, and he who splits logs may be endangered by them. Ecclesiastes 10 Ecc 10:1 AS DEAD FLIES GIVE PERFUME A BAD SMELL, SO A LITTLE FOLLY OUTWEIGHS WISDOM AND HONOR: The common understanding of this parable is certainly true enough, and easy enough to grasp. This has been singularly the case with medicines. We therefore translate: if the iron has become blunt, hebes factum sit (for the Pih. Instead of forcing matters by main "strength" to one's own hurt (Ec 9:16, 18). 3. how have new properties been discovered, new errors been exploded, new theories established! הך, they unnecessarily read the inf. Most unfavourable are the circumstances in which the millions are placed for the cultivation of a truly godly life. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success. Buxtorf translates the Hiph . Instead of forcing matters by main "strength" to one's own hurt (Ecclesiastes 9:16; Ecclesiastes 9:18). Yet it is very observable how close an analogy there is between God’s dealings in this respect, and those which relate to the scheme of salvation; for many ages God did not guide men, at least only a few, to the fountain open for sin and for uncleanness, and even now how many of the great mass of our race are kept in ignorance of the balm that is in Gilead. as a Mishnic word by aptare, rectificare . and he do not whet the edge; with some proper instrument to make it sharper, that it may cut the more easily; then must he put to more strength; he must give a greater blow, strike the harder, and use more force; and yet it may not be sufficient, or; it may be to no purpose, and he himself may be in the greatest danger of being hurt; as such are who push things with all their might and main, without judgment and discretion; but wisdom is profitable to direct; this is the "excellency" of wisdom, that it puts a man in the right way of doing things, and of doing them right; it directs him to take the best methods, and pursue the best ways and means of doing things, both for his own good and the good of others; and so it is better than strength, Ecclesiastes 9:16. Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom [is] profitable to direct. It is certainly also possible that הכשׁ, after the manner of the Hiph . as a Mishnic word by aptare, rectificare. 3. Hitzig, Elster, and Zckl. 2. drunken, worldly-minded leadership Instead of forcing matters by main “strength” to one‘s own hurt (Ecclesiastes 9:16, Ecclesiastes 9:18). Ecclesiastes 10:19 - Men prepare a meal for enjoyment, and wine makes life merry, and money is the answer to everything. Syr. But wisdom is profitable to direct, Heb. הצליח and השׂכיל, directly means “to succeed,” or causatively: “to make to succeed.” We might explain, as e.g., Knobel: the advantage of success, or of the causing of prosperity, is wisdom, i.e., it is that which secures this gain. (Note: Regarding the two roots, vid ., Fried. For us somewhere, somehow, there must be high ends and glorious purposes--the dullest, darkest, deadest of us. Nothing else will keep us fit for service. See Desvoeux. Dead flies make the perfumer’s ointment give off a stench; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. Wisdom (is) profitable to direct - to a prosperous issue. This is speaking of a knife, or an ax that needs to be sharpened, to make it cut more easily. Ecclesiastes Commentary - 103 Pages - Includes numerous quotes from other respected conservative sources, including almost 100 quotations from Michael Eaton's Tyndale OT Commentary (ranked as one of the best on Ecclesiastes). incorrectly translate: “and it is a profit wisely to handle wisdom;” for instead of the inf . Meals should not be just a time to sustain the body, but a time for fellowship and fun with others. Is there no power that can uplift us and enrich us for worth and blessedness? wisdom is profitable to direct—to a prosperous issue. 10 If the yron be blunt, and he doe not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisedome is profitable to direct. The wise man gives us the method. 9. 10 If the iron H1270 be blunt, H6949 and he do not whet H7043 the edge, H6440 then must he ... Commentary on Ecclesiastes 10 Matthew Henry Commentary. Tyler suggests along with “right guidance” the meaning “pre-arrangement,” which we prefer. This difficult verse may best be translated, If the axe be blunt, and he (the rebel) do not sharpen it well beforehand, he (the tyrant) will but gain the more strength, (by the rising against him.) With vahhaylim the apodosis begins; the style of Koheleth recognises this vav apod. Ecclesiastes 10:15 - The toil of a fool so wearies him that he does not even know how to go to a city. קלל "to be light," in the Pilp. Thus, without wisdom and understanding we cannot go profitably through the meanest concerns in life. If thousands of our race had been called into existence before science had been discovered, and the arts been invented, what could have resulted but universal wretchedness, inasmuch as every individual must have struggled with the ground for a disastrous subsistence, and have perpetually devoted himself to the warding off starvation! render it by ταράσσειν, דּלח, to shake, and thereby to trouble, make muddy); in the Mishn. It is not the sweating bustler who does the most work in the world’s trade; it is the man of forecast and philosophical measures. - Verse-by-Verse Commentary To preserve a character for wisdom. usage, to make light, little, to bring down, to destroy; here it means to make light equals even and smooth (the contrast of rugged and notched), a meaning the possibility of which is warranted by נח קלל, Ezekiel 1:7; Daniel 10:6 (which is compared by Jewish lexicographers and interpreters), which is translated by all the old translators "glittering brass," and which, more probably than Ewald's "to steel" (temper), is derived from the root qal, to burn, glow. p. 252). But the meaning prevalent in post-bibl. If the iron be blunt,.... With which a man cleaves wood: the axe, made of iron: and he do not whet the edge; with some proper instrument to make it sharper, that it may cut the more easily; then must he put to more strength; he must give a greater blow, strike the harder, and use more force; and yet it may not be sufficient, or; it may be to no purpose, and he himself may be in the greatest danger of being hurt; as such are who push things with all their might and main, without judgment and discretion; but wisdom is profitable to direct; this is the "excellency" of wisdom, that it puts a man in the right way of doing things, and of doing them right; it directs him to take the best methods, and pursue the best ways and means of doing things, both for his own good and the good of others; and so it is better than strength, Ecclesiastes 9:16. wisdom is profitable to direct — to a prosperous issue. Then, again, let there be a daily surrender of ourselves to Him for service. The correct meaning for the whole, in general at least, is found if, after the example of Abulwalîd and Kimchi, we interpret חילים גּבּר of the increasing of strength, the augmenting of the effort of strength, not, as Aben-Ezra, of conquering, outstripping, surpassing; גּבּר means to make strong, to strengthen, Zechariah 10:6, Zechariah 10:12; and חילים, as plur. Also, the explanations which understand חילים in the sense of war-troops, armies, which is certainly its nearest-lying meaning, bring out no appropriate thought; for the thought that even blunt iron, as far as it is not externally altogether spoiled ( lo - phanim qilqal ), or: although it has not a sharpened edge (Rashi, Rashbam), might be an equipment for an army, or gain the victory, would, although it were true, not fit the context; Ginsburg explains: If the axe be blunt, and he (who goes out against the tyrant) do not sharpen it beforehand ( phanim, after Jerome, for lephanim, which is impossible, and besides leads to nothing, since lephanim means ehedem formerly, but not zuvor [ prius ], Ewald, §220 a ), he (the tyrant) only increases his army; on the contrary, wisdom hath the advantage by repairing the mischief (without the war being unequal); - but the “ruler” of the foregoing group has here long ago disappeared, and it is only a bold imagination which discovers in the hu of Ecclesiastes 10:10 the person addressed in Ecclesiastes 10:4, and represents him as a rebel, and augments him into a warlike force, but recklessly going forth with unwhetted swords. (Note: Also the twofold Haggadic explanation, Taanith 8a, gives to hachshir the meaning of "to set, priori, in the right place." והוּא does not refer to the iron, but, since there was no reason to emphasize the sameness of the subject (as e.g., 2 Chronicles 32:30), to the labourer, and thus makes, as with the other explanation, the change of subject noticeable (as e.g., 2 Chronicles 26:1). He may get through a certain amount of labour, but it is only at the cost of a great expenditure of bodily strength. When wisdom is not employed the maximum benefit of all implements is lessened" (Kidwell p. 250). Ecclesiastes 10:10 ... Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Buxtorf translates the Hiph. And so he insensibly slides into the commendation of wisdom, and the censure of folly, which is the principal design and business of this chapter. Delitzsch's Indogerm.-Sem. Some may say, What has all this subject to do with religion? Thus wisdom prompts one to make careful plans and preparation. Heb. usage, from the root-meaning levem esse, signifies to move with ease, i.e., quickness (as also in the Arab. Do you ask how shall the iron be sharpened? No genius am I at anything, but only a plain blunt tool. A beautiful thing in the present economy is that the labour of one man raises a sufficiency for numbers, and thus others devote themselves to various pursuit, and bring about the spectacle of a stirring and well-ordered community. The iron, to wit, the axe whereby he cut the wood, in the former verse, which by the danger there mentioned may be supposed to be sharp; but now, saith he, if it happen to be blunt. 1 One can work harder or they can work smarter. [2 Corinthians 4:4] These edge tools, therefore, must be whetted by the use of holy ordinances, and much strength put to, great pains taken, virtutibus corroborabitur (so the old translation hath it). The order of the words קל ... וה, et ille non faciem ( ferri ) exacuit , is as at Isaiah 53:9; cf. 4:10; 10:16), but often in rabbinical literature. In this respect the people of God has an infinite advantage over it. If the iron be blunt.] Ecclesiastes 10:10 Amplified Bible (AMP). Jeremiah 37:10, and above, under Ecclesiastes 7:22. II. Whereby he intimates that the sloth and carelessness of princes, in the management of public affairs, which is a usual attendant on that luxury of which he now spoke, is most destructive to themselves and to their people. (f) Without wisdom, whatever a man takes in hand, turns to his own hurt. Practical sagacity in work serves to economize strength. Login or Create an Account. If the iron be blunt — The axe wherewith a man cuts wood; he must put to more strength — To make it cut: that is, if a man do not use fit and proper means to accomplish any work, it will cost him so much the more labour and pains; but wisdom is profitable to direct — Both in the choice and in the use of means. Ecclesiastes 10:8-10, caution in acting Ecclesiastes 10:11 and following verses, caution in speaking. p. II. The verb כשר is used in the sense of "to be right" in Esther 8:5; the substantive כשרון in that of "capacity, ability," in Ecclesiastes 2:21; Ecclesiastes 4:4 of this book. On this ground we are justified in attaching to the word הכשיר here, the meaning, "to make right, to amend, to correct,"—a meaning, moreover, which suits the connection admirably. Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct. Alas, some of us sigh within ourselves, “I am not made of fine material: I cannot take a keen edge: I am not one of your very clever people. This principle applies to secular work. And as it was God’s beneficent purpose to throw man, as it were, on his own industry and ingenuity, must we not always admit the goodness as well as the mercy of the appointment, through which it was ordered that there should be no excessive pressure on our race, but that we have been afforded time to advance in knowledge, equivalent to the increase and necessities of population? Jeremiah 37:10, and above, under Ecclesiastes 7:22. We might explain, as e.g., Knobel: the advantage of success, or of the causing of prosperity, is wisdom, i.e., it is that which secures this gain. There is just as much work done in England in one day by the help of machinery as it would take five hundred millions of men to perform without. After being repeatedly sharpened, (Calmet) it will be more difficult to cut with it, and will expose the person to hurt himself, ver. on StudyLight.org The iron gets blunt--that you cannot help. לא־פנים, "without an edge" (lo for belo), would be linguistically as correct as בּנים לא, "without children," 1 Chronicles 2:30, 1 Chronicles 2:32; Ewald, 286b; and qilqal would have a meaning in some measure supported by Ezekiel 21:26. Ecclesiastes 10:10 - If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Yet better than the man’s prescription for dulness is contact and communion with the Friend of Friends, the Lord Himself. The unhappy subject who has much to bear from his injustice still needs to count well the cost of revolt. Only give thyself to Him. People prepare meals, invite friends over, and have a good time. Ecclesiastes 10:10 He who quarries stones may be hurt by them, and he who splits logs may be endangered by them. He who was the carpenter still needs hammers as well as chisels and planes. on StudyLight.org of intransitives has frequently the meaning of an inchoative or desiderative stem, like מעת, to become little, decrescere, Ecclesiastes 12:3; כּהה, hebescere, caligare, Ezekiel 21:12; Ewald, §120 c ), and he (who uses it) has not polished (whetted) the face of it, he will (must) increase the force. If I am lacking in skill and learning, I will be richer in love.” Some tools are the better for not being oversharp. The iron will grow blunt, if used a certain time; and if a man will then go on persevering in the using it, he must be prepared to the putting to more strength, which will certainly ere long bring about a total prostration, But if wisdom directeth him, so that he daily whet the edge by some lawful recreation, he may by God’s help be enabled for a long time to retain both his strength and his usefulness. absol. Sin is the reproach of sinners, wherever they go, … Wisdom has the advantage of giving success.". Well, you must use more strength. In 10 b there follows the common clause containing the application. Ecclesiastes 10 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary by one of the most revered Methodist leaders gives new insight into God's Word. There is not a calling in life, from the ploughboy to the statesman, that may not be made more effective by the worker being educated in the general details of learning and science. So, in chapters 10 and 11 of this book, the Preacher is going to give us wise counsel on wisdom and folly, rulers, the unpredictability of life, speech, business, and your perspective on life. 12. gracious--Thereby he takes precaution against sudden injury (Ecclesiastes 10:11). Genesis 43:9, Ruth. Now, we move on to chapter 11 for our Ecclesiastes 11 Commentary. Wisdom — As wisdom instructs a man in the smallest matters, so it is useful for a man's direction in all weighty affairs. III. "the advantage of giving success"-"Wisdom teaches how to conduct matters to a successful end; for instance, it prompts the worker to sharpen his tool instead of trying to accomplish his task by an exertion of mere brute strength" (P.P. ", In this, the author is still talking about cleaving wood; and the iron here is a reference to the axe. 4. Contact and communion with Jesus Christ alone can keep us fit for service. True wisdom is the prerogative of the people of God, which will at last prevail over the brute force of their worldly oppressors. 9 Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby. With a UCG.org account you will be able to save items to read and study later! name for iron, hadîd, means essentially something pointed), is one of the most difficult in the Book of Koheleth, - linguistically the most difficult, because scarcely anywhere else are so many peculiar and unexampled forms of words to be found. Thousands have so employed the bluntest iron, that they have become the greatest apostles in science, and the most distinguished masters in art. And it is yet more melancholy to think how many of the ministers of Christ have destroyed themselves by devoting themselves to work with an uncalculating ardour. 10. Albeit, though the “iron” of such a man be blunt, let him use it, and he will succeed. 1. The diversities in the interpretation of details leave the essence of this thought untouched. constr. Some consolation for blunt folks. אתחיּל, to strengthen oneself, to become strengthened). 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