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[509] In January 2013, the GNC officially renamed the Jamahiriyah as the "State of Libya". Himself unharmed, two of Gaddafi's sons were injured, and he claimed that his four-year-old adopted daughter Hanna was killed, although her existence has since been questioned. [507] The Nigerian newspaper Leadership reported that while many Libyans and Africans would mourn Gaddafi, this would be ignored by Western media and that as such it would take 50 years before historians decided whether he was "martyr or villain". [144] Many such committees were established in schools and colleges,[145] where they were responsible for vetting staff, courses, and textbooks to determine if they were compatible with the country's revolutionary ideology. [73], In May 1970, the Revolutionary Intellectuals Seminar was held to bring intellectuals in line with the revolution,[74] while that year's Legislative Review and Amendment united secular and religious law codes, introducing sharia into the legal system. [105] Long-standing administrative boundaries were re-drawn, crossing tribal boundaries, while pro-revolutionary modernizers replaced traditional leaders, yet the communities they served often rejected them. Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte. And this history of US intervention in Libya pre-dates the Gaddafi era - by 130 years, under President Thomas Jefferson, who sent Lt. Stephen Decatur to attack the base of the Barbary Pirates, later referenced in the opening line of the Marine Hymn: "to the shores of Tripoli." [150] In crossing regional and tribal identities, the committee system aided national integration and centralization and tightened Gaddafi's control over the state and administrative apparatus. [159], In September 1975, Gaddafi purged the army, arresting around 200 senior officers, and in October he founded the clandestine Office for the Security of the Revolution. [470] Gaddafi's domestic popularity stemmed from his overthrow of the monarchy, his removal of the Italian settlers and both American and British air bases from Libyan territory, and his redistribution of the country's land on a more equitable basis. [113] Gaddafi propounded pan-Arab ideas, proclaiming the need for a single Arab state stretching across North Africa and the Middle East. [108][109][110], In the 1990s, Gaddafi's rule was threatened by militant Islamism. Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces. [122], Moving to reduce Italian influence, in October 1970 all Italian-owned assets were expropriated, and the 12,000-strong Italian community was expelled from Libya alongside the smaller community of Libyan Jews. [467], —Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur and Tal Azran, 2015[468], Gaddafi was a controversial and highly divisive world figure. [106] Realizing the failures of the modernizers, Gaddafi created the Arab Socialist Union (ASU) in June 1971, a mass mobilization vanguard party of which he was president. [495] Human rights groups also criticized the treatment of migrants, including asylum seekers, who passed through Gaddafi's Libya on their way to Europe. A renewed serious threat to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya came in February 2011, with the Libyan Civil War. [304] Libya also cemented connections with China and North Korea, being visited by Chinese President Jiang Zemin in April 2002. Although oil drastically improved the Libyan government's finances, resentment began to build over the increased concentration of the nation's wealth in the hands of the noble King Idris. [196] According to Bearman, the revolutionary committee system became "a key—if not the main—mechanism through which [Gaddafi] exercises political control in Libya". [154] Gaddafi saw Islam as having a key role in this ideology, calling for an Islamic revival that returned to the origins of the Qur'an, rejecting scholarly interpretations and the Hadith; in doing so, he angered many Libyan clerics. However, as leader of the … [315] In August 2008, Gaddafi and Berlusconi signed a historic cooperation treaty in Benghazi;[316][317] under its terms, Italy would pay $5 billion to Libya as compensation for its former military occupation. [297] In August 2008, Gaddafi was proclaimed "King of Kings" by a committee of traditional African leaders;[298] they crowned him in February 2009, in a ceremony held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. [95] The health sector was also expanded; by 1978, Libya had 50 per cent more hospitals than it had in 1968, while the number of doctors had increased from 700 to over 3000 in that decade. your needs must neither be owned by somebody else, nor subject to plunder by any part of society. [87], Increasing state control over the oil sector, the RCC began a program of nationalization, starting with the expropriation of British Petroleum's share of the British Petroleum-N.B. More-detailed information was retrieved years later when Stasi archives were investigated by the reunited Germany. [337] Rising numbers of reformist technocrats attained positions in the country's governance; best known was Gaddafi's son and heir apparent Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who was openly critical of Libya's human rights record. ", "GNC Officially Renames Libya the 'State of Libya' – Until the New Constitution", "Hijacking Ends Peacefully After Libyan Airliner Lands in Malta", "In Saif Hands: Gaddafi's Son to Run for Libya President", "Trade and Peace: The EU and Gaddafi's Final Decade", Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives, Muammar Gaddafi collected news and commentary, "Muammar Gaddafi collected news and commentary", Chairpersons of the Organisation of African Unity, Organisation of African Trade Union Unity, Pan-African Freedom Movement for East and Central Africa, Popular and Social League of the Great Sahara Tribes, National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change, People publicly indicted in the International Criminal Court, Armed Forces of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Fist Crushing a U.S. [213] In May 1980, measures to redistribute and equalize wealth were implemented; anyone with over 1000 dinar in their bank account saw that extra money expropriated. Insisting on the continued use of petroleum as leverage against Israel and its supporters in the West, Libya strongly urged the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to take action in 1973, and Libyan militancy was partially responsible for OPEC measures to raise oil prices, impose embargoes, and gain control of production. [462] He enjoyed attending lengthy public sessions where people were invited to question him; these were often televised. A proposal was also made to establish a "people's army" by substituting a national militia, being formed in the late 1970s, for the national army. All legislative and executive authority was vested in the GPC. Muammar Al Gaddafi, the former leader may have predicted the current coronavirus outbreak in one of his past speeches as the world currently struggles to contain the vicious epidemic. Muammar Gaddafi threw the UN general assembly into chaos today when he effectively hijacked the podium to make a rambling, unscripted speech. Fears of resistance in Cyrenaica and Fezzan proved unfounded. [241], Libya had long supported the FROLINAT militia in neighbouring Chad, and in December 1980, re-invaded Chad at the request of the FROLINAT-controlled GUNT government to aid in the civil war; in January 1981, Gaddafi suggested a political merger. [255] Diplomatic relations also broke down with the UK, after Libyan diplomats were accused in the killing of Yvonne Fletcher, a British policewoman stationed outside their London embassy, in April 1984. "[44] The two organizations shared members and a source of support, and the distinction between them is often ambiguous. [41] Libya was also involved in a sometimes violent territorial dispute with neighbouring Chad over the Aouzou Strip, which Libya occupied in 1973. [40] Under Idris, Libya's armed forces were trained by the British military; this angered Gaddafi, who viewed the British as imperialists, and accordingly, he refused to learn English and was rude to the British officers, ultimately failing his exams. There is no electricity bill in Libya, electricity is free for all its citizens. The easing of Libyan-Western relations had many similarities as a process with the Cuban thaw. [320] That month he also addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York City for the first time, using it to condemn "Western aggression". The next day the RCC decided to promote Captain Gaddafi to colonel and to appoint him commander in chief of the Libyan Armed Forces. [112] In the east, the National Transitional Council was established in Benghazi. If socialism is defined as a redistribution of wealth and resources, a socialist revolution clearly occurred in Libya after 1969 and most especially in the second half of the 1970s. "[45], At the beginning of the 1987 Libyan offensive in Chad, it maintained a force of 2,000 in Darfur. His semi-naked, lifeless body was then placed into an ambulance and taken to Misrata; upon arrival, he was found to be dead. Inspiration for the unrest is attributed to the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, connecting it with the wider Arab Spring. These chemical weapons were manufactured by Iran itself. [85] In October 1969, he proclaimed the current trade terms unfair, benefiting foreign corporations more than the Libyan state, and threatened to decrease production. [102] Through these measures, the RCC greatly expanded the public sector, providing employment for thousands. This approach regarded both the US and the Soviet Union as imperialist and thus rejected Western capitalism as well as Marxist-Leninist atheism. [83] Production costs often surpassed the value of the produce and thus Libyan agricultural production remained in deficit, relying heavily on state subsidies. The U.S. rescinded Libya's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism in June 2006. The armed forces offered the only opportunity for upward social mobility for underprivileged Libyans, and Gaddafi recognized it as a potential instrument of political change. [294], At the third AU summit, held in Tripoli, Libya in July 2005, Gaddafi called for greater integration, advocating a single AU passport, a common defence system, and a single currency, utilizing the slogan: "The United States of Africa is the hope. US Secretary of State Pompeo has accused Iran of … [490] One of the most prominent examples of this was a massacre that took place in Abu Salim prison in June 1996; Human Rights Watch estimated that 1,270 prisoners were massacred. [197] Within a year he was backtracking, announcing that sharia was inappropriate for the Jamahiriya because it guaranteed the protection of private property, contravening The Green Book's socialism. [65] Jalloud became Prime Minister,[66] while a civilian Council of Ministers headed by Sulaiman Maghribi was founded to implement RCC policy. [284] They would only be suspended in 1998 when Libya agreed to allow the extradition of the suspects to the Scottish Court in the Netherlands, in a process overseen by Mandela. A similar action occurred on 23 March 1986; while patrolling the Gulf, US naval forces attacked a sizable naval force and various SAM sites defending Libyan territory. one of the most stupid sayings for him is: you know switzerland? This discontent mounted with the rise of Nasserism and Arab nationalism/socialism throughout North Africa and the Middle East. [162] In 1974, Libya saw its first civilian attack on Gaddafi's government when a Benghazi army building was bombed. [34], Gaddafi organized demonstrations and distributed posters criticizing the monarchy. [87] Daniel Ortega, the President of Nicaragua, was his ally. During the 1980s and 1990s, Gaddafi, in alliance with the Eastern Bloc and Fidel Castro's Cuba, openly supported rebel movements like Nelson Mandela's African National Congress, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Polisario Front (Western Sahara). "[94], Gaddafi was a lifelong supporter of Kurdish independence. [273] In 1987, Libya began production of mustard gas at a facility in Rabta, although publicly denied it was stockpiling chemical weapons,[274] and unsuccessfully attempted to develop nuclear weapons. In an attempt to instill revolutionary fervor into his compatriots and to involve large numbers of them in political affairs, Gaddafi urged them to challenge traditional authority and to take over and run government organs themselves. On 21 July 1977, there were first gun battles between troops on the border, followed by land and air strikes. He also attacked regional and tribal differences as obstructions in the path of social advancement and Arab unity, dismissing traditional leaders and drawing administrative boundaries across tribal groupings. The RCC advised diplomatic representatives in Libya that the revolutionary changes had not been directed from outside the country, that existing treaties and agreements would remain in effect, and that foreign lives and property would be protected. [327] By 2004, there was US$40 billion of direct foreign investment in Libya, a sixfold rise over 2003. [160] Its increasingly radical reforms, coupled with the large amount of oil revenue being spent on foreign causes, generated discontent in Libya,[161] particularly among the country's merchant class. [137] Throughout the 1970s these groups received financial support from Libya, which came to be seen as a leader in the Third World's struggle against colonialism and neocolonialism. The RCC responded with mass arrests and introduced compulsory national service for young people. The Libyan agents who had carried out the operation, from the Libyan embassy in East Germany, were prosecuted by the reunited Germany in the 1990s. [488] Gaddafi's state has also been characterized as authoritarian. Criticism of Gaddafi by ordinary Libyan citizens became more bold, such as defacing of Gaddafi posters. [65][66] Over the years, Gaddafi came to be seen as a hero in much of Africa due to his revolutionary image. They were captured by Egyptian authorities in an operation that ended without any casualties. Amnesty International listed at least twenty-five assassinations between 1980 and 1987.[36][93]. [42], With a group of loyal cadres, in 1964 Gaddafi established the Central Committee of the Free Officers Movement, a revolutionary group named after Nasser's Egyptian predecessor. [471], Biographers Blundy and Lycett believed that under the first decade of Gaddafi's leadership, life for most Libyans "undoubtedly changed for the better" as material conditions and wealth drastically improved,[91] while Libyan studies specialist Lillian Craig Harris remarked that in the early years of his administration, Libya's "national wealth and international influence soared, and its national standard of living has risen dramatically". [300] In October 2010, Gaddafi apologized to African leaders for the historical enslavement of Africans by the Arab slave trade. [186] Seeking to diversify Libya's economy, Gaddafi's government began purchasing shares in major European corporations like Fiat as well as buying real estate in Malta and Italy, which would become a valuable source of income during the 1980s oil slump. "[438] Gaddafi had a large wardrobe, and sometimes changed his outfit multiple times a day. I wear a certain shirt and suddenly everyone is wearing it. It was coined by changing the component jumhūr—"public"—to its plural form, jamāhīr—"the masses". [19] Gaddafi's upbringing in Bedouin culture influenced his personal tastes for the rest of his life; he preferred the desert over the city and would retreat there to meditate. Continuing to revamp Libya's political and administrative structure, Gaddafi introduced yet another element into the body politic. The country consistently ranked as the African nation with the highest HDI, standing at 0.755 in 2010, which was 0.041 higher than the next highest African HDI that same year. [147] They also served as a surveillance system, aiding the security services in locating individuals with views critical of the RCC, leading to the arrest of Ba'athists, Marxists, and Islamists. In August 1984, one Libyan plot was thwarted in Mecca. He was decorated with various awards and praised for his anti-imperialist stance, support for Arab—and then African—unity, and for significant improvements that his government brought to the Libyan people's quality of life. ... Col Gaddafi has ruled Libya … Corruption and entrenched systems of patronage were widespread throughout the oil industry. [383] He regarded this system as a practical alternative to the then-dominant international models of Western capitalism and Marxism–Leninism. [61] Some of the others attempted to constrain what they saw as his excesses. Image: REUTERS via Libyan TV. [79] Seeking to expand the cultivatable acreage in Libya, in September 1969 the government launched a "Green Revolution" to increase agricultural productivity so that Libya could rely less on imported food. [47] Despite later rumours to the contrary, he did not attend the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. [370] Pulled onto the front of a pick-up truck, he fell off as it drove away. [16] Trade unions were incorporated into the ASU and strikes outlawed. [361], Only a few towns in western Libya such as Bani Walid, Sebha, and Sirte remained Gaddafist strongholds. [454] His cousin Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam is Libya's former Special Envoy to Egypt and a leading figure of the Gaddafi regime. They oversaw the "revolutionary committees", which were nominally grass-roots organizations that helped keep the people engaged. Five years have passed since former Libyan president Gaddafi was ousted. [171] In February 1973, Israeli forces shot down Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114, which had strayed from Egyptian airspace into Israeli-held territory during a sandstorm. Gaddafi defended his government's actions by citing the need to support anti-imperialist and anti-colonial movements around the world. As a result, although Gaddafi held no formal government office after 1979, he retained control of the government and the country. [69], Gaddafi trained and supported Liberian warlord-president Charles Taylor, who was indicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the conflict in Sierra Leone. [354] On 30 April a NATO airstrike killed Gaddafi's sixth son and three of his grandsons in Tripoli. However, in Hebrew, for instance, jamāhīrīyah is translated as "קהילייה" (qehiliyáh), a word also used to translate the term "Commonwealth" when referring to the designation of a country. The term does not occur in this sense in Muammar Gaddafi's Green Book of 1975. [381] His opposition to Western governments earned him the respect of many in the Euro-American far right,[476] with the UK-based National Front, for instance, embracing aspects of the Third International Theory during the 1980s. Hoping to ingratiate themselves with Gaddafi, in 1970 the US informed him of at least one planned counter-coup. By mid-1973 estimates of the number of people's committees ranged above 2,000. On March 27, 1970, the British air base in El Adem and the naval base in Tobruk were abandoned.[17]. [445] Starting in the 1980s, he travelled with his all-female Amazonian Guard, who were allegedly sworn to a life of celibacy. [citation needed] Gaddafi also remained supreme commander of the armed forces. [385], The Libyan studies specialist Ronald Bruce St. John regarded Arab nationalism as Gaddafi's "primordial value",[386] stating that during the early years of his government, Gaddafi was "the Arab nationalist par excellence". [63] Graduates in power as of 2011 include Blaise Compaoré of Burkina Faso and Idriss Déby of Chad. [457] The sociologist Raymond A. Hinnebusch described the Libyan as "perhaps the most exemplary contemporary case of the politics of charismatic leadership", displaying all of the traits of charismatic authority outlined by the sociologist Max Weber. The government also built a trans-Sahara water pipeline from major aquifers to both a network of reservoirs and the towns of Tripoli, Sirte and Benghazi in 2006–2007. Petroleum was seen both as a means of financing the economic and social development of a woefully underdeveloped country and as a political weapon to brandish in the Arab struggle against Israel. Hunt, who had played a key role in the discovery of oil in Libya. [351] In March, the Security Council declared a no-fly zone to protect the civilian population from aerial bombardment, calling on foreign nations to enforce it; it also specifically prohibited foreign occupation. After the king had fled the country, the Libyan Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) headed by Gaddafi abolished the monarchy and the old constitution and established the Libyan Arab Republic, with the motto "freedom, socialism and unity". Some Libyan officials had sided with the protesters and requested help from the international community to bring an end to the massacres of civilians. Within days of the coup, however, Hasan publicly renounced all rights to the throne, stated his support for the new government, and called on the people to accept it without violence. Strengthening ties to Arab nationalist governments—particularly Gamal Abdel Nasser's Egypt—he unsuccessfully advocated pan-Arab political union. [419] Conversely, St. John expressed the view that "if socialism is defined as a redistribution of wealth and resources, a socialist revolution clearly occurred in Libya" under Gaddafi's regime. [207], On 2 March 1979, the GPC announced the separation of government and revolution, the latter being represented by new Revolutionary Committees, who operated in tandem with the People's Committees in schools, universities, unions, the police force, and the military. Gaddafi remained commander in chief of the armed forces and effective head of state. [426] This owed much to the Islamic belief in God's natural law providing order to the universe. Education and political activism: 1950–1963, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Revolutionary Committees and furthering socialism: 1978–1980, Conflict with the US and its allies: 1981–1986, "Revolution within a Revolution": 1987–1998, Pan-Africanism, reconciliation and privatization: 1999–2011, Origins and development: February–August 2011, Capture and death: September–October 2011, الجماهيرية العربية الليبية الشعبية الاشتراكية, For purposes of this article, 20 October 2011—the date on which Gaddafi died, sfnm error: no target: CITEREFBlundy1987 (, 2009 UN Security council speech from Al jazeera (English), Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution, Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya, Secretary General of the General People's Congress, Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, to form a federal Union of Arab Republics, Foreign relations of Libya under Muammar Gaddafi, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Declaration on the Establishment of the Authority of the People, National Front for the Salvation of Libya, the US Navy again performed exercises in the Gulf of Sirte, Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights, two Libyan warplanes were shot down by the US off the Libyan coast, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, List of awards and honours bestowed upon Muammar Gaddafi, Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya, "West Prepares to Hand Rebels Gaddafi's Billions", "Arab League Gives Its Full Backing to Libya's Rebel Council", "After Much Wrangling, General Assembly Seats National Transitional Council of Libya as Country's Representative for Sixty-Sixth Session", "How are you supposed to spell Muammar Gaddafi/Khadafy/Qadhafi? 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