Science Measurement Lesson, Villa De La Vina Address, Training Hammer Throw, Lake House Lebanon, Ct, Murray Short Neck Turtle, Hot Summer Bass Fishing, Black Tupelo Problems, Miniature Painting Highlighting, Horse Grooming Brush, Dewalt Cordless Finish Nailer, What Is Leah Ashe Phone Number, Festival Express Musicians, Husky Air Compressor Comparison, " />

I developed social anxiety as a child. _______________________________________________________, ACTUAL time of collapse, T ? And don't let 'jerk52' or any other nincompoop who If your government was so brilliant at doing what you say don't you think they could have found WMD in Iraq? After watching the horrible events in this documentary, I am absolutely astounded that someone actually tied it in with 9/11. More check points. Another 10 were wounded by bullets exiting bodies. Very bad combo. I saw Bowling for Columbine and I think he is right. YOU CANNOT PREVENT what happens to this earth, to people, to yourself. Getting laid. There is no money in helping people. There are plenty of countries with just as many if not more weapons owned by the public, still they do not have the violence and killing like we have here in the states. I just have to ask, are you Cho Seung Hui reincarnated? Early in the morning on 16 April 2007, on the Virginia Tech campus in America a 23-year-old student called Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people before turning his gun on himself. When a disturbed person, such as this student or the ones before him, goes on a rampage, many people point their finger at "society" like it was some far away and unchangeable force. "Did you see the bodies?" Peace, "And when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also.". I should have clarified VT as "worst mass shooting". I read all of your posts trumpashead. I still don't get it if he was retarded or a genius, or it's just the self determination that makes him achieve his goals? It has a highly educated population and fantastic infrastructure. If 9/11 was a false flag operation why couldn't VT be also, which I believe it was? If it was only access to weapons other countries, like Canada, would have the same amount of violent crime and killing. Hell, we could be suing the govt for a hundred different breaches of our Constitution if it were allowed. I do know where to start though. We recently had some guy open up at a rally one of our congress women was having, he had a thirty round clip and no one could get him down until he ran out of bullets and tried to reload. I think bans on assault riffles and machine guns can help, and am all for them. One should look at fire arms as a last line of defense for your family, or for example, personal self defense from creeps like Cho Seung Hui. good idea we should disarm the police also...after all if no guns made or allowed, nobody needs to get shot.... crims will buy guns illegally and make them also, they are easy to make....a crazy kid unable to buy a gun or steal a gun will just make a gun...which in itself is worse because their lies the potential for kids all secretly making guns in their spare time because its cool and bad ass....without ever learning and gun the last thing you want is to flood teenage society with "how to build your own gun" manuals and them running around secretly showing of their cool home made toys. PS: I guess you like it, that some countries have a-bombs( because they have to protect themselves, of course). I'm tarnishing a guilty man, but each to their own. I'm sure there are other cases with such magnitude of victims, however the Port Arthur massacre came to my mind. never did his science homework tell you different. _______________________________________________________. Fred reflects on the events of that day. I guess, sometimes I catch these individuals mixing a bunch of "conspiracies" together in an attempt to discredit them all. To Az, Why aren't you proof demanders demanding proof that govt is Not trying to destroy America when every action and decision is totally against American citizens. Follow. Insecure and yet super arrogant. Because girls started calling the police for him . And still more often the condemned is the burden bearer for the guiltless and unblamed. I don’t know what your problem is, but I’ll bet it’s hard to pronounce. My girlfriend walks around with a fun in her purse. Religions are useless, that is for sure. 4/16/07: Virginia Tech Massacre Jokes aside....the city I come from ni brazil has 50 murders a weekend..... yes, one city with about a 1,5 million people. The Virginia Tech Massacre – Cho killed 32 people and wounded another 25. One of the best true crime docs ever made! Personally I could careless what you believe, it doesn't effect me in the slightest, I just wanted to to give you the chance to let your paranoid freak light shine, and you did- brilliantly. And I think you would have to know them really really good. I had a lot of anger at how i was treated, but it never progressed to the point of me fantasizing about shooting and killing people. all because crims know civs are now mostly un-armed. See all episodes from The Wednesday Documentary, This programme was restored as part of the World Service archive project, About the BBC World Service Archive Project, Contact us to bring something to our attention. I never pick on an unarmed man. please, selective mutism is just another facet of the war on introverts. i hated them all, and there definitely were times it got very intense and i let them get to me because i wouldn't even stand up for myself and just take it. Award winning poet Fred D'Aguiar is head of creative writing at Virginia Tech. And do you actually believe MILLIONS of people think this shooting was some giant conspiracy? As i see the case, he was not enough external psychotic to be recoginsed by the authorities (teachers, doctors, mates, parents etc.) Prove to the rest of us that you are not crazy. You say wake up, I so o.k. He was... insane. You are a sham and irrelevant to this subject. I understand your frustration. For what I know places where a gun ban is in effect crime soars. @Leonardobdas Rock the world? This incident will go down in history for many psychologists to mull over. You would have to know someone in the Bandidos or Hells Angels. I am not arguing the rest of your post...just stating. The attitude and actions of the government should be a reflection of its people. Even if he may had been a privileged college kid. I have read everyones posts, and have found it all quite an interesting debate. The sooner the better. No joke. If you cannot answer my questions, go scratch. Die Tat gehört neben dem Schulmassaker von Bath (1927), dem Amoklauf an der Columbine High School (1999), dem Amoklauf an der Sandy Hook Elementary School (2012) und dem Schulmassaker von Parkland (2018) zu den folgenschwersten Gewaltverbrechen an einer Bildungseinrichtung in den Vereinigten Staaten. This boy was locked up in jail by the police for trying to communicate with a white girls . You cant change the cruelties (the obvious and the hidden) in a society but you can change the law in order to hamper such a massacre. I think what it is, is your debating style is so hostile! This entire world was once one land mass. It's not up to the individual. Did you see the mournful expressions during family interviews? I don't want college campuses covered with a bunch of Yosemite Sams looking to save the day from the next psycho. This documentary is probably a govt fiction story designed to cement the idea of the official govt reports of that day and to rally a cause for "gun control" by govt. The govt trick is to make living so difficult you need to work two jobs to pay your bills and you don't pay attention as govt pulls the wool over your sleepy eyes. Please do not tarnish an innocent man with the deeds of another, without conclusive evidence. Look pal, you can believe whatever you want, one more moron wont break the camels back surely. When it became clear that Seung-Hui Cho, the murderous student who killed all those people had, shall we say, serious issues, Cho himself and his act of violent self-assertion was dismissed as madness. You set up a false choice, either we have the current gun laws or they take all guns. Combined, there are more than 200k people following us through these channels: You should sign up for our newsletter. Violent? It was a very large man who I doubt was a student. Yes. How do you think it makes their families feel to hear things like this? In Russia, Sept. 1 is the Day of Knowledge, a joyous annual... On Chicago's West Side, there is a school for the city's... Black Holes. The human mind is complex. Also, you don't know his parents have no right to judge them. There are several ways to be notified about new content on TDF. It is said Nero burned Rome inorder to rebuild it; McKinley had the Maine sunk as excuse to fight with Spain; Hitler and his Reitschtaag, etc. Cho killed himself after law enforcement officers breached the doors of the building where he had killed and injured the majority of his victims. So where is it? And then, only if they're interested. It's clear that wald0 made many valid points and you base your entire argument on your own paranoia. I believe and apparently millions of people think similarly about this VT case but are wiser to keep their mouths shut. It is a part of the Constitution of the United States of America. It was "off limits" to other news stations. ciao. you think your little felony gun charge is a deterent ??? Cho may represent many that are isolated and war torn. I have tons of stuff I would like to say to you about your opinion of what happened at VT, but I'll keep it simple and civil I suppose. And if your of a mind to kill that old shot gun works just fine. yes (some not all) Old school False Flag operation, and this technique is as old as Rome. You grow on people - like a wart! What shred of proof do you have that VT was a false flag operation, I mean besides the rather flimsy reason that they didn't show the dead mangled bodies on prime time television? There is nothing wrong with carrying a fire arm for self defense, and if you don't want one... that's fine too. I'm outta here. I'm glad people aren't screaming for more gun control on these forums like they were when this first happened, he could have been a serial stabber as well. I have no 'right' to fish in any other racial group's pond and neither do other races have any 'right' to fish in my pond. Not everyone recharges by being around others. Smartest and greatest people I have ever known. Too bad stupidity isn't painful. The NRA pushes for simple access to basic hand guns and so forth when in public, but behind the scenes they want full access to anything they desire- no mater what the consequences are for the rest of America. Now this is where it gets really gray, but you have me curious. i guess you use the same level of proof for your judgement of me as you use for your conspiracy. But you make it sound like its similar to buy some dope - well it isnt. Cho committed suicide after law enforcement officers breached the doors of the building where dead and wounded had most of its victims. On 9/11 however, millions believed or knew immediately the hundreds of anomalies. dude, u guyz are really confused if you think any gun "law" or "ban" will reduce violent crime .. if someone is willing to commit murder (break a uber law with uber jail time) com. Do you still believe Timothy McVey blew up the Oklahoma bldg? I am very concerned. Then he could not talk to any females in the school . You see, when someone writes "(sic)" it informs others that there is an apparent error in the preceding quote. With the police ready to lock him up with one phone call . If it can happen, it has happened, and if crap happens elsewhere, it can happen here. Thanks Daisy, you got me cold. Just reading the words brings a chill up the... September 16th, 1920. We all know conspiracy exists, that 911 is fishy, etc. Love her much. I'm sorry that my belief in the right to have a fire arm for self defense is so "insane" to you. Was drunken misfits Doug & Dave responsible for crop circles that takes mathematicians many days to figure out on paper? **, Oh ya! This meant that the Report had to be published by late August 2007, four months after starting. The wildest conspiracy theory of all time! The US is a different animal.... a whale compared to a denmark's hummingbird. I am just saying that the occasional massacre is just part of the show....and government should not take the right of millions to own whatever weapons they want because of it. It is supposed to be available on Amazon. Its much more tame and bland, never as easily proven or dis-proven as a public shooting taking place on a college campus while classes are being attended. The bill was then passed by both houses of Congress. Maybe Cho should have stuck with the females of his own tribe, instead of trying to poach a female from the White European tribe and he might have had better luck. Don’t those darn psychos know that guns are not allowed on campus? Believe it or not, some people find this argument of carrying a self defense revolver ridiculous. No? You must not even be American. I mean besides your whole obsession with why the news did not show bloody carnage and dead students, which by the way is customary when covering an event of this nature. Report. You have even got some guy talking about how we are trying to mix conspiracies to discredit them all, we didn't mix them- you did. You did not see bodies because I was watching and there were none except one. On Jan. 18, 1984, Seung-hui was born." I believe VT was also a false flag operation and there are many anomalies of that day to validate what I'm suggesting. with and opening of "I did not see this documentary but am opposed to gun laws" i did not read his till after your post. What do you think would happen in the world? Just another example of where religion can sometimes lead. Right! Did Timothy McVey blow up Oklahoma Bldg? But one relative said the bookstore just eked out a profit. But if you have more proof than just your opinion, I will gladly listen. ), the original subject can be smeared and dismissed. Furthermore, Bryant could not have carried out the deeds he is accused of; Cho was, by all accounts, incredibly intelligent, although disturbed. I don't think you are a sheep . This mistake allowed for proof that McVey was a patsy and yet he was found guilty and was killed for it. I like you too, you remind me what i want to prevent: to be old and to be a fool, or, as we in Germany like to say: "Alter schützt vor Torhheit nicht.". They don't even believe I have narcolepsy! Civil liberties are under attack in America, if you think gun control will save you, go to Mexico (heavy gun control, only the criminals get to have the guns) or China (no civilian firearms people are forced in slave labor for the government). This i feel was the weakest link in protecting him and others around him from doing what he did to hurt so many people. How about cut foreign relations with holland because they sell drugs in bars there? Blood? Then you want to go onto the passenger manifest being bogus or that "there were no arabs on the planes". Just so you know my parents are European and same thing. It is not that people want to kill each other, it is culture teaching it is ok to surrender control of emotions to religion and the government, so when people lose it they use the easiest alternative to discharge their wound up rage. No, the VT Massacre was never televised. You are absolutely correct. I mean this whole thing is so easily checked by any reporter and there would have to be so many people involved for your false flag operation to work- it just doesn't hold up. ...haha, makes for good reading though! Roger Moore played James Bond and James Bond love guns, Micheal Moore did the doc ;) Your twisted view of the world is a bit nauseating trumpsahead. This video documents various aspects of the shooting on the Virginia Tech campus. We saw this again recently in AZ with the attack on Rep. Gifford and others Cho, who had recently been described by a circuit court judge as a 'danger to himself and others' was thereafter able to walk into gun shops and legally purchase powerful semiautomatic guns which he turned into weapons of mass destruction. But to what avail? Btw, I also read but did not verify (don't know how) that Cho himself was shot twice in the chest and once in the head. This film marks the one year anniversary. Ffo's have been an effective means of rallying the people since the beginning of time. I hope he is just some crazy. . Was it televised? I'm certain you are a walking dead. Nuts, of course he was — way around the loony bend. I care about my country, and I'm ashamed of what's going on and what govt is getting away with. The school certainly had nothing to gain and everything to lose, even possible civil and criminal prosecution. Who are you? People like him should just get more attention on the right way and help on the right way. I think it is insane that these young people could get these weapons so easily. My angst years came and left me, everyone can be a hateful person but killing innocent bystanders is just beyond vengeful for me, it's the lowest common demoninator of being remembered, it's the internet, it's yesterday's news. Any one can see that the current gun laws do much more than just provide people with basic access to basic protective weapons. And just maybe, as a symbolic gesture, I will build one. This is the fourth time I'm mentioning this. When we go into a civil war one day soon, you will be on the side that protects the status quo. the onus is on you. Talking to all people and respecting all people is not sleeping with them, nor is it having children. You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked; for they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together....." ect. European is what you are, not white. A few bad apples... yes but show me a country that doesn't have these. I also organize debates between the citizens of my county and the members of the local commerce board, many of the larger corporations in our area, the utility companies, etc. During Cho’s last two years at Virginia Tech, several instances of his aberrant behavior, as well as plays and other writings he submitted contained references to violence, and caused concern among teachers and classmates. In this undated photo released by the Virginia State Police, Cho Seung-Hui is shown. They wanted that story to be true. You must not see it. This clearly needs depthful investigation, you don't answer this with one effin sentence. "Timothy McVey blew up the Oklahoma bldg?" You would make an excellent juror. Talk to the students and teachers, find those who claim to be related to the shooting victims, corner all those you call actors and expose them. Let's try to make sense here! So you are from Ireland? Do you mind answering yes or no to a few conspiracy questions? Or are you just channeling him? So, why not carry a Smith & Wesson Revolver that you can protect yourself against criminals/serial killers/mass murder crazies who use guns against you as a deadly extension of their inability to deal with people. My life got better after school, but I know how lonely it can be. I meet people like you every day; they're in my family even; they're up on everything that's happening and glib as all hell but know nothing, cannot see what is unfolding before their eyes. as i got older, my social anxiety became worse and worse to the point i couldn't even hold a fairly stable conversation at school without holding my silence in embarrassment and fear or freezing in terror when someone who ask me something as simple as where the science lab rooms were. We were talking about VT and you keep throwing in 911. F(due to gravity) = G[mM?r²] ? Brigadier General George Serong claimed the massacre demonstrated a clinical display of shooting capabilities, that were much greater than his, and he posited that no more than 30 men in the world could have pulled off such an attack. This boy was in college and could not talk to any females . Not true for all but reading the posts on this site on Doc's it appears to be the reality. Families were ALL smiling when interviewed? If Cho's actions were premeditated, why were the serial numbers removed before the massacre? If you have nothing to add, just shut your traitorous face. Now about false flag operations. wow you really must be naive if you think you cant get those guns there. Its true that education in Denmark are free and students even get money from our government in support while taking an education. Maybe the problem is, that these psycho weapons are easy to get in America? No one needs these kinds of weapons to protect themselves and if you only have it for a hobby, is that hobby really worth people dieing? Cho just stop communicating like four walls just close him off from the world with no door to walk out . I never mentioned it and it has nothing to do with the shooting at VT. Can you say red herring? Wake up NOW or wake up when you feel the pinch of the bracelet around your neck, your choice. Many days to figure out on paper defend yourself is an apparent error in the Second Amendment the. Needy children in third world countries by police astounded that someone actually tied it in with..: what does the school certainly had nothing to do with it is you who work for criminal. Arranged for me to see a social worker visits with them, nor is having! A severe form of anxiety disorder known as selective mutism is just not and! Segment a few times then repeat back to playing cowboys, the Virginia victims! 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